Îmbunătățirea calității vieții prin dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii pe baza de nanoparticule eficiente în decontaminarea apelor și solurilor

Project objectives


Improvement of life quality by developing new technologies based on efficient nanoparticles in water and soil decontamination



The existence of contaminated areas all over the world and by consequence also in Romania represents a real concern regarding the water and earth quality that finally affects the life quality. The present Project Proposal is structured in three proposed components that are related to: 1- research development of new materials based on functionalized iron oxides dedicate to the removal of As ions and certain pathogen microorganisms- Gram negative bacteria frequently present in pollution water in the form of suspensions or biofilms; 2- inter-comparative studies of an international level priority regarding synthesized apatites and iron nanoparticles  capacity to fix metallic ions from contaminated media together with eco-toxicological and cytotoxic of porous hydroxyapatite and of zero valence iron nanoparticles upon natural bacteria and other invertebrates species, laboratory animals or different human cell lines; 3- development of nano-devices and nano-materials with chemical properties that can be used as parts of intelligent natural agriculture systems and natural biochemical substances that can offer in a controlled manner the possibility for decontamination of affected areas and also ensures the desired  quantity of fertilizer for the improvement of growth potential of agriculture areas. The specific Objectives of this Project as: toxicity evaluation for nanoparticles of  FexOy si FexOy-functionalized and As ions upon eukaryote cells in in vitro and in vivo conditions or characterization by kinetic studies  of metallic ions adsorption from contaminated media(water/earth) by the studied materials as well as the quality improvement of different types of vegetal cultures by the use of  magnetic oxides nanoparticles treatments, ensures the contribution of the present Project to the life quality improvement.      

Titlul proiectului:

Îmbunătățirea calității vieții prin dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii pe baza de nanoparticule eficiente în decontaminarea apelor și solurilor.


Cod proiect: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0134

Conținutul acestui material nu reprezintă în mod obligatoriu poziția oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului României.

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