Îmbunătățirea calității vieții prin dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii pe baza de nanoparticule eficiente în decontaminarea apelor și solurilor


Phase 1


Creating the optimal framework for achieving nanoparticles with biological properties and depollution capacity. Developing a technology to obtain FexOy and FexOy solutions and powders. Development of new laboratory methods necessary for the development of nanoparticles used in environmental applications and ecotoxicological impact assessment. Creating the necessary framework for the innovative development strategy regarding the efficiency of magnetic nanocomposites in foliar and soil fertilization. Studies and research on obtaining new materials with essential ions.


Phase 2


Morphological-structural evaluation of functionalized FexOy and FexOy of solutions and powders. Evaluation of the effects of FexOy and FexOy solutions and powders functionalized on prokaryotic cells (Gram negative bacteria) and cytotoxicity on eukaryotic cells in vitro and in vivo. Optimization of the laboratory method for the development of porous nanoparticulate hydroxyapatite: Evaluation of the effectiveness of metal ion retention in contaminated environments. Studies and research on the impact of new material implementation in crop technologies of plant species.


Phase 3


Developing technologies for the efficacy of solutions and powders of FexOy and FexOy functionalized in removing arsenic ions from contaminated water. The study of the effects of FexOy and FexOy solutions and powders functionalized on prokaryotic cells (Gram negative bacteria) in the presence of arsenic ions. Evaluation of arsenic toxicity on vital organs of laboratory animals. Development of a laboratory methodology for obtaining iron nanoparticles with zero valence (Fe0). Cytotoxic acquisition, characterization and study. Efficiency of zero valent iron ions in the removal of contaminated water. Biodegradability of magnetic nanocomposites and their behavior in the food chain.


Phase 4


Selection of iron based solutions and powders according to their efficiency in the process of decontamination of polluted waters and in the fertilization of various agricultural crops.

Titlul proiectului:

Îmbunătățirea calității vieții prin dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii pe baza de nanoparticule eficiente în decontaminarea apelor și solurilor.


Cod proiect: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0134

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